Cardax native token is CDX

CDX token Policy ID on Cardano: 722c45e8ba2a3c399cf09949abe74546ecb75defb8206914085dc28e

CDX token ID on Milkomeda: 856319371a43643266dc2086f4f7aef4c83a3414000000000000000000000000

CDX token contract on Milkomeda: 0x864a55C546DDB855bEe210245eBfFa9bF37a408A

Token Conversion

The current CDX token in circulation will need to be converted into a new version. We will allow users to easily convert their current CDX to the new tokens at a 1:1 conversion rate. We will give notice when the conversion happens in all our social channels (Twitter, Discord, Telegram, YouTube).

More about why the token conversion here

Last updated